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  • Writer's pictureNerea O

Review of A Dream For Peace by Dr. Ghoulem Berrah

Updated: Apr 3, 2022

When a country is subjected to a foreign administration run by individuals with self-interested motives, it can be frightening. It's as if you're a prisoner in your own country. This and other issues are discussed in Dr. Ghoulem Berrah's book A Dream For Peace.

Dr. Ghoulem Berrah describes his story in this memoir book, offering a picture of the conditions in Algeria during French colonialism. The abuses he saw inflicted on his people inspired him to form a gang of revolutionaries who helped free his country from colonial rule. The book also focuses on how third-world countries dealt with the post-colonial era. The reader will learn about the struggles that a third-world country faced in gaining freedom. These fights were difficult, but they were worthwhile because Africans were able to reclaim their territories from their colonial masters as a result of them.

I admire the traits that the author exhibited throughout his life, from childhood to adulthood. These characteristics aided him in becoming a famous revolutionary ambassador, politician, and doctor. Furthermore, he proved to be an amazing visionary with a lot of hope for future generations. I particularly appreciate how the author introduces the reader to his family, noting his relationship with his step-brother and his mother's tie. This feature allows the reader to have a deeper understanding of the author. The book's authenticity is enhanced by the use of black and white photographs. You'll agree that technology in Africa was not very advanced prior to, during, and shortly after the colonial era. As a result, the use of black and white photographs reflects and corresponds to the times when the events in the book occurred.

The story is told in a conversational tone, and the writing style is vivid. I admire how relaxed the author was while recounting the events. While reading the book, I was able to relate with some of the author's emotions. He was composed and serene, and it was because of these attributes that the story did not sound forced. The book has been expertly edited. There were no grammatical faults that I discovered. The majority of authors would choose to use profane language to express enthusiasm or rage, but the author of this book preferred to keep it clean and display his work without any profanity. There is a great deal to be learned about Africans and their struggle for independence. I'm sure the book would be a great resource for history lessons.

Readers who appreciate memoirs and novels about historical events will enjoy this book, in my opinion. If you're searching for a memoir that isn't about politics or colonialism's history, this is not the book for you.

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