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  • Writer's pictureNerea O

Review of Mommy Motivates Bobbie by Jewelz-Unique Demps, Patricia Demps

Updated: Apr 3, 2022

Anxiety disorder is a mental illness that subjects an individual to intense, excessive, and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations. You may have had episodes of anxiety, whether mild or intense. The bottom line is that we can all relate to this type of mental disorder.

In her book, Mommy Motivates Bobby, Dr. Patricia Demps paints a vivid picture in the reader's mind of how anxiety can damage a child’s confidence, and not only children but also teens and adults. Children, who are experiencing some level of anxiety due to a particular situation affecting them directly, especially when they are in crowds, are prone to low self-esteem.

This is the situation that Bobbie, a character in the story, was undergoing. The effects were overwhelming that he had to share his ordeal with his mom. It turns out his mom also experiences episodes of anxiety, but she knows what to do to control the effects of anxiety. She shares an experiment with Bobby as a motivation for him to muster up the courage and conquer the Goliath. The experiment is simple and practical. What experiment did Bobbie’s mom share? Did the experiment work for Bobbie? Grab a copy to find out.

Dr. Patricia wrote the story as an inspiration to all her readers. She used a fictional story to share a bit of her real-life story. I find this to be a kind gesture. We all learn from other people’s experiences. Considering the state of the world we live in, no one escapes anxiety. The message portrayed in this book is invaluable. Parents can use the practical aspect of the story to help their children manage anxiety and be able to fortify their self-esteem.

The illustrations ties in so well with the message conveyed. I am sure readers will appreciate them. The narrative’s organization is flawless and is voiced from the first-person perspective. I did not find any formatting or typo/error issues, which is a plus. The writing style is descriptive, allowing the reader to enjoy it through their reading experience.

I recommend the book to parents and children between the ages of 5 and 12 years. Teenagers can also benefit from reading the book.

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